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CMStrade software.

The StocK application handles the phy­si­cal sto­ra­ge of commodities or goods.

Note: "Floating inventory" is a part of the phy­si­cal application.

Storage can be continuous as in tanks/ si­los or discrete as in warehouses.

The CMStrade SK operations are stan­dar­di­sed to handle storage whatever its cause: post - pre transit, pre - post pro­ces­sing, stock trans­fers.

All operations are recorded. Data are in value (multi currency), quantity (vo­l­u­me, wei­ght or units) and packing units.

The software identifies the storage lo­ca­tion and the individual lots used in it, and can track stock origin/destination.

CMStrade treats the stock on an ac­coun­ting and physical basis, for correct ma­na­ge­ment: control of dif­fe­ren­ces, pe­rio­dic re­con­ci­lia­tions, balance adjustment.

Since the SK application is integrated with the cost accounting, the stock price is computed accurately, including other costs such as storage and insurance.

Also integrated with the physical ap­pli­ca­tion, positions and revaluation can be globalised (combined) providing a true risk estimation of long positions.


For information on Operations, Output

and Transactions, please see Data.


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